The Badass CEO group is the perfect place for CEOs to connect with other like-minded individuals, share ideas, and receive advice. Whether you’re looking for a sounding board for your latest business venture or simply want to chat with other CEOs about the ins and outs of today's business, this group is the place for you.
We help CEOs achieve results in their business and personal lives, inspire fearless, thought-provoking ideas, and create a platform for the constant exchange of concepts or experiences through technology, marketing, and idea-sharing. Whether you're a Boomer or a Gen Z CEO, we can all connect here. No selling, no gimmicks, just good networking. So if you're looking for a place to connect with other like-minded CEOs, you've found it.
Request access by filling out the form below.
- For CEOs, by CEOs, enjoyed together as CEOs
- Fearless communication
- Irreverent idea sharing
- Completely free and by invitation only
- If you didn't get yours yet, fill out the form above to see if you qualify