Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads

Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads

Unsure of which advertising platform to choose for your business? Let’s dive into the differences between Facebook Ads and Google Ads, and how to determine which is best for your needs in 2023.

Platform Atmosphere

Each platform has a unique audience and approach. Google Ads connects buyers with products and brands they’re interested in purchasing, while Facebook Ads require a specific call to action and rely on targeted audience engagement for success. For example, when hungry you may search, “restaurants near me”. You browse around, find one that suits your needs and go buy food from it. Facebook requires more of a specific call to action and is more random. If your ad is put in front of the right people, Facebook does well.

Ad Traffic Direction

Consider whether your advertising is inbound or outbound. Inbound Ad is an ad that a user sees while looking for you versus an outbound Ad which is someone finds when they are not looking for you.

Google Ads can generate inbound traffic by showing ads to users actively searching for your product or service, while Facebook Ads are more outbound, appearing in front of users who may not have been looking for your offering.

From this perspective, Google Ads are better for generating website sales while Facebook Ads are more effective for branding campaigns.

Audience Targeting

On Google ads, keyword targeting is the main form of audience targeting. These are keywords and phrases typed into Google search. Google Ads has recently introduced demographic targeting features to help find your target audience but does not offer as in-depth comprehensive search as Facebook.

With Facebook Ads, you will need effective keyword research. The audience targeting features on Facebook are above any other advertising platform and allow you to target your audience by interests, job title, behaviors, device used, demographics, and more.

Buyer Intent

Buyer intent is determined by how the person visiting your website is going to purchase your product. Google Ads allows you to filter through keywords, target words, and phrases that indicate higher buy intent.

Google Ads gives the advertiser the ability to filter through any number of keywords and target words and phrases that indicate high buyer intent. For example, searching for “Computer” versus “Best Computers to Buy in 2023” will provide very different results. One is too broad and is a low buyer intent keyword while the other is more specific and implies they are looking to buy. Google Ads allows for the ability to target individuals who are looking to buy online.

With Facebook Ads, you can target specific audiences but that does not necessarily mean they are ready to spend money online. You will receive higher click-through rates typically with Facebook but the buyer intent will be lower when they do see the ads versus on Google you may have lower clicks but more purchases.

Advertising Effectiveness

Google Ads is better for getting users to visit your site who are inclined to take action. This could mean converted leads and purchases. Facebook Ads are great for branding yourself to potential customers and can generate low-cost product sales.

At CESSON, we recommend considering your specific goals to determine the best platform for your business. Learn more about marketing strategies to grow your business and choose the right advertising route for you in 2023. Get in touch with CESSON today!